Monday, September 29, 2008

Afflligem Tripel: 27

Taste: 9 Finish: 9 Visual: 5 Aroma: 4
Total: 27

It has a great deep yellow, going on orange color. The aroma smells sweet with citrus and floral notes. There is a mild yeast/bread underneath it all.

It has a lot of sweetness upfront. Syrup and mild flowers. The bitterness starts at the edges of the tongue and then kicks in a bit in the back. A very light citrus, orange, is present. It's definitely a medium floral hop flavor. It finishes cleanly with a bit of sweetness and bread remaining. Not a hint of alcohol is present even though it's 8.5%.

A great tasting brew for sipping or enjoy after dinner. Would be great with cake or pie or a bit of dark chocolate. Really good and worth several tries.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Shiner Bock: 17

Taste: 5 Finish: 5 Visual: 4 Aroma: 3
Total: 17

It has a nice amber color with a medium head. The aroma is light but of roasted malt.

Upfront is definitely more roasted malts. A bit caramelized and sweet. It's a bit fizzy in the middle. At the end a little hop bitterness peaks through. But a mild sweetness is left on the tongue. I definitely get a bit of a toasted and slightly burnt flavor.

A nice clean brew with a bit of flavor. Very drinkable. A step above a macrobrew. Probably on par with Killians or Honey Brown, etc. I've heard a lot of good things about this brew so I'm actually a little disappointed. Again, a solid brew but nothing special either.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Sam Adams Octoberfest: 22

Taste: 7 Finish: 7 Visual: 5 Aroma: 3
Total: 22

Surprisingly, this is the world's best selling Octoberfest. Who knew? Visually it the perfect amber color with just enough head on it. It has a slightly sweet malt aroma.

The sweet malt flavors last throughout the sip. It's a bit creamy but then the hops crisp it up at the end. It has the right "oktoberfest" flavor to it. A very nice aftertaste of sweet malt, brown sugar, and a bit of hops lay on the tongue for a bit.

I'm still waiting for an Oktoberfest to knock my socks off. Sam Adams does a very good job but it's missing that extra umph to take it to the next level. Very drinkable. Nice flavor. Good brew.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Victory Festbier: 18

Taste: 6 Finish: 6 Visual: 3 Aroma: 3
Total: 18

Victory makes a very different Oktoberfest brew. It's very light. From the color to the finish, it tastes like a watered down version. Now, saying that, it's extremely drinkable. I mean, I could drink 5 in a row. It's got just enough flavor to keep you coming back. This would be a great game day beer. But not one to savor.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Duvel: 23

Taste: 8 Finish: 8 Visual: 4 Aroma: 3
Total: 23

It's a very pale yellow color and not cloudy like a typical belgian. It has a light yeast and malt aroma. The head is relatively large and a bit too foamy.

First I have to say that it's a bit too carbonated. So, don't follow the bottle with the smoother pour. Get some of that carbonation out of the brew because it interferes with the flavor and is really bloating.

As for the taste, it starts with some bready yeast making it start a little creamy. But then the bitterness of hops and some lemon kick in. At the finish is a kick of alcohol. Throughout it all is a flavor I can't quite figure out. A bit of clove? Some sort of spice. It's vey interesting.

Reading other reviews, this is considered one of the best brews you can buy. I'm not that gonzo about it.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Voodoo Love Child: 16

Taste: 5 Finish: 5 Visual: 4 Aroma: 2
Total: 16

Voodoo takes their ale and gives it a 3 month cure in passion fruit, cherries, and raspberries to create a lambic. Visually it's a interesting fruit cooler color. There is extremely little aroma besides a faint fruit juice sweetness.

The taste is pretty bland. It's crisp, clean, and light. There is a light cherry and passion fruit flavor under it all. It certainly doesn't taste like beer. I can say that it is refreshing. But that's about it. I was really expecting something a lot more so overall it's disappointing.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Landshark Lager: 10

Taste: 3 Finish: 3 Visual: 2 Aroma: 2
Total: 10

Landshark claims to be an island style lager from Margaritaville Brewing. You know, the people who own poor-quality restaurants in your favorite tourist traps. They've managed to create a beer that's remarkably like Corona, but slightly less tasty. There's nothing wrong with the brew, and in fact would be good at a summertime pool party for something light, crisp, and quaffable. So, that's about the best I can say about it.