Friday, June 8, 2007

Paulaner Hefe-Weizen: 23

Visual: 5 Aroma: 3 Taste: 7 Finish: 8
Total: 23

Paulaner is a classic German brew dating back to 1634. It was started by monks. Paulaner makes several brews that are all excellent. I decided to try their Hefe-Weizen Natural Wheat beer first.

It pours with a very thick and high head. The beer is a cloudy light gold and amber. It has a very mild aroma, slightly sweet.

It has a very light upfront taste. Slightly sweet. A bit of lemon and citrus. I've seen this mostly served with a slice of lemon. It doesn't need it. But some find it lightens it up a bit and "cleans" up the flavor a bit. Your choice but I like it neat. It finally finishes with a nice creamy, yeast, bread flavor. It leaves a very slight sweet aftertaste on the tongue. This is a hot summer's day after mowing the lawn beer. You could probably down 2 or 3 after that! It is very refreshing. It's more of a subtle beer. But it certainly is a quality beer.

Overall I would say it's an excellent mass produced beer. There are certainly better craft beers out there. But considering Paulaner could be considered the equivalent to Bud in America, then the Germans definitely got the better deal.

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