Taste: 8 Finish: 8 Visual: 5 Aroma: 4
Total: 25
A huge creamy head with good lacing. The color is a deep amber brown. It has a good roasted malt aroma with a bit of chocolate. The bitter hops kick in early but the sweet malt is also there around the edges of the tongue. Lots of roasted flavors throughout. Under it is a bit of floral notes and a hint of grapefruit. The alcohol (8.7%) kicks in mid-tongue through the back. It leaves an oily coating in the mouth with residual flavors of the roasted malt and hops. Lots of flavor and very well crafted. An excellent big beer.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Brew Dog Hardcore IPA: 24
Taste: 7 Finish: 9 Visual: 3 Aroma: 5
Total: 24
The color is a light amber/orange and little cloudy. It has very little carbonation. The head that does form is creamy and clings well. The aroma is great. Lots of citrus and pine notes. Under it a bit of yeasty bread. First sip starts sweet. But then the hops kick in. Lots of bitterness. The citrus flavor of grapefruit and orange peel is present. Lots of pine/wood. In the back and on the breath is more citrus. I don't get a lot of bread or yeast. The bitterness lingers nicely on the tongue. Really, it's missing more carbonation. It is a bit flat on the tongue. Overall a very good and strong IPA (9%). Perhaps I got a bad bottle without enough carbonation. Otherwise it would be stellar for a big IPA.
Total: 24
The color is a light amber/orange and little cloudy. It has very little carbonation. The head that does form is creamy and clings well. The aroma is great. Lots of citrus and pine notes. Under it a bit of yeasty bread. First sip starts sweet. But then the hops kick in. Lots of bitterness. The citrus flavor of grapefruit and orange peel is present. Lots of pine/wood. In the back and on the breath is more citrus. I don't get a lot of bread or yeast. The bitterness lingers nicely on the tongue. Really, it's missing more carbonation. It is a bit flat on the tongue. Overall a very good and strong IPA (9%). Perhaps I got a bad bottle without enough carbonation. Otherwise it would be stellar for a big IPA.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Shock Top Belgian White: 11
Taste: 3 Finish: 3 Visual: 3 Aroma: 2
Total: 11
Anheuser-Busch put out this Belgian White for the masses. Visually it's not bad. It's cloudy and light orange. The head is very thin. It smells like a Budweiser with hints of citrus and bread. And that's not a good thing.
Upfront it is very sweet. Lots of malt. Too sweet. Then the orange kicks in. But only the sweet part of the orange. There is not citrus bite. In the back and exhale is a bit of bread and yeast. The aftertaste lingers too long with flavors of soap.
On the good side, it could have been much worse. It's kind of like taking a Bud and mixing in some orange juice. So, I'd probably take it over a Bud in the summer. But that's about it.
Total: 11
Anheuser-Busch put out this Belgian White for the masses. Visually it's not bad. It's cloudy and light orange. The head is very thin. It smells like a Budweiser with hints of citrus and bread. And that's not a good thing.
Upfront it is very sweet. Lots of malt. Too sweet. Then the orange kicks in. But only the sweet part of the orange. There is not citrus bite. In the back and exhale is a bit of bread and yeast. The aftertaste lingers too long with flavors of soap.
On the good side, it could have been much worse. It's kind of like taking a Bud and mixing in some orange juice. So, I'd probably take it over a Bud in the summer. But that's about it.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Redhook Long Hammer IPA: 17
Taste: 6 Finish: 6 Visual: 2 Aroma: 3
Total: 17
The color is very glassy and pale amber. The head is decent with a bit of lacing. The aroma is light with hops and a little banana. But not much citrus and certainly no bread. Upfront there is a moderate amount of bitterness. There is a bit of sweetness under it all. In the back is more generic hops. Again, no real citrus or bread. There is nothing wrong with this brew, but also very little is right. A decent session IPA.
Total: 17
The color is very glassy and pale amber. The head is decent with a bit of lacing. The aroma is light with hops and a little banana. But not much citrus and certainly no bread. Upfront there is a moderate amount of bitterness. There is a bit of sweetness under it all. In the back is more generic hops. Again, no real citrus or bread. There is nothing wrong with this brew, but also very little is right. A decent session IPA.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Unibroue Terrible: 24
Taste: 8 Finish: 8 Visual: 4 Aroma: 4
Total: 24
The head is very fizzy instead of creamy. It is pitch black up to the light. The aroma is faint but smells sweet with ripe fruit. The flavor grows as the brew gets warmer. Definitely let it sit out a bit. Right out of the fridge the flavors are muted. Sweet malt infused with black cherries and plums. The 10.5% alcohol is not noticeable at all as a flavor. Instead it helps numb the tongue a bit and allows it to finish very cleanly. Just traces of fruit. Very very good.
Total: 24
The head is very fizzy instead of creamy. It is pitch black up to the light. The aroma is faint but smells sweet with ripe fruit. The flavor grows as the brew gets warmer. Definitely let it sit out a bit. Right out of the fridge the flavors are muted. Sweet malt infused with black cherries and plums. The 10.5% alcohol is not noticeable at all as a flavor. Instead it helps numb the tongue a bit and allows it to finish very cleanly. Just traces of fruit. Very very good.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Magic Hat Lucky Cat: 23
Taste: 8 Finish: 8 Visual: 4 Aroma: 3
Finish: 23
Magic Hat may not be the best brewery. But they are consistently good. Lucky Cat starts well with a great creamy head and a nice cloudy amber color. The aroma is a bit weak with spiced hops.
There is a bit of sweetness of the malt upfront. That is quickly overtaken by spiced hops. The hops are strong but not overpowering. In terms of intensity, it's middle of the road for an IPA. The finish is dry and has a bit of a copper penny flavor. The alcohol is higher (5.8%) but not huge.
A very serviceable IPA. Something much more drinkable than the high end IPAs that I love so much. But this is one that I can drink many of which certainly has it's uses.
Finish: 23
Magic Hat may not be the best brewery. But they are consistently good. Lucky Cat starts well with a great creamy head and a nice cloudy amber color. The aroma is a bit weak with spiced hops.
There is a bit of sweetness of the malt upfront. That is quickly overtaken by spiced hops. The hops are strong but not overpowering. In terms of intensity, it's middle of the road for an IPA. The finish is dry and has a bit of a copper penny flavor. The alcohol is higher (5.8%) but not huge.
A very serviceable IPA. Something much more drinkable than the high end IPAs that I love so much. But this is one that I can drink many of which certainly has it's uses.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Maredsous 10 Triple: 24
Taste: 8 Finish: 8 Visual: 4 Aroma: 5
Total: 24
It has a huge head that settles down. A bit creamy and leaves some lacing. The color is a pale amber, with some orange. The aroma is huge with roasted malt and nuts, with a hint of oranges and ripe red fruit.
First and foremost, let it warm up a bit. The first few cold sips left if tasting overly carbonated. After sitting for a few minutes to release it carbonation, the warming released the flavor. A nice roasted malt sweetness upfront. Then the ripened fruit followed. The alcohol kicks in the back (10%) to warm it on the tongue. The finish is very dry from the alcohol but also akin to walnuts.
A very nice triple. A bit over carbonated. And the alcohol steals the flavor a bit too much. But definitely worth a try.
Total: 24
It has a huge head that settles down. A bit creamy and leaves some lacing. The color is a pale amber, with some orange. The aroma is huge with roasted malt and nuts, with a hint of oranges and ripe red fruit.
First and foremost, let it warm up a bit. The first few cold sips left if tasting overly carbonated. After sitting for a few minutes to release it carbonation, the warming released the flavor. A nice roasted malt sweetness upfront. Then the ripened fruit followed. The alcohol kicks in the back (10%) to warm it on the tongue. The finish is very dry from the alcohol but also akin to walnuts.
A very nice triple. A bit over carbonated. And the alcohol steals the flavor a bit too much. But definitely worth a try.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Hofbrau Oktoberfest: 13
Taste: 4 Finish: 5 Visual: 1 Aroma: 3
Total: 13
The color is totally wrong for an Oktoberfest. This is as light as a pilsner or helles. It should be amber. The aroma is again like a German helles. Sweet malt. A bit of hops. Some grassy notes. If I put a blindfold on, it certainly tastes like a helles. Has all the normal qualities of a German beer. Sweet up front, almost of honey. A bit of grass. A mild hops finish. Oh, and ever so slightly skunked. When will the Germans move to brown bottles?! A decent helles lager. Unfortunately it's sold as an Oktoberfest. It would be 4 points higher as a helles.
Total: 13
The color is totally wrong for an Oktoberfest. This is as light as a pilsner or helles. It should be amber. The aroma is again like a German helles. Sweet malt. A bit of hops. Some grassy notes. If I put a blindfold on, it certainly tastes like a helles. Has all the normal qualities of a German beer. Sweet up front, almost of honey. A bit of grass. A mild hops finish. Oh, and ever so slightly skunked. When will the Germans move to brown bottles?! A decent helles lager. Unfortunately it's sold as an Oktoberfest. It would be 4 points higher as a helles.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Otter Creek Oktoberbest: 20
Taste: 6 Finish: 7 Visual: 5 Aroma: 2
Total: 20
Visually it's perfect. Nice copper color with a fully creamy head. But it has little to no aroma. A very faint burnt wood smell. It has a decent smokiness throughout from start to finish. You can definitely taste the roasting of the malt. A touch of sweetness but not much. The back to finish has a good bit of hops. It like drinking a pile of slighted roasted autumn leaves. And I mean that in a good way. So, a pretty tasty brew but to me not really an Oktoberfest. It's missing that certain flavor. As an amber lager it's pretty good. But not a good Oktoberfest.
Total: 20
Visually it's perfect. Nice copper color with a fully creamy head. But it has little to no aroma. A very faint burnt wood smell. It has a decent smokiness throughout from start to finish. You can definitely taste the roasting of the malt. A touch of sweetness but not much. The back to finish has a good bit of hops. It like drinking a pile of slighted roasted autumn leaves. And I mean that in a good way. So, a pretty tasty brew but to me not really an Oktoberfest. It's missing that certain flavor. As an amber lager it's pretty good. But not a good Oktoberfest.
Magic Hat Circus Boy: 13
Taste: 4 Finish: 4 Visual: 3 Aroma: 2
Total: 13
Circus Boy is Magic Hat's Hefeweizen. It has a deep golden color with a hint of amber. The head is fizzy and subsides quickly. The aroma is very plain. Mostly just boiled hops. No straw, hay, or bread. It's definitely a sweet brew. It starts sweet and the honey-ish flavor stays on the edges of the tongue. From the mid to the back there is a bit of coriander and spice. But the flavor stops about there. Just like the aroma, this hefe is missing the core components. No earthiness. No breadiness. No citrus. And too sweet for what it's trying to be. The positive is that it is very easy to drink. But that's about all I can say about it. Magic Hat has much much better stuff. This is disappointing.
Total: 13
Circus Boy is Magic Hat's Hefeweizen. It has a deep golden color with a hint of amber. The head is fizzy and subsides quickly. The aroma is very plain. Mostly just boiled hops. No straw, hay, or bread. It's definitely a sweet brew. It starts sweet and the honey-ish flavor stays on the edges of the tongue. From the mid to the back there is a bit of coriander and spice. But the flavor stops about there. Just like the aroma, this hefe is missing the core components. No earthiness. No breadiness. No citrus. And too sweet for what it's trying to be. The positive is that it is very easy to drink. But that's about all I can say about it. Magic Hat has much much better stuff. This is disappointing.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Magic Hat Odd Notion: 28
Taste: 9 Finish: 9 Visual: 5 Aroma: 5
Total: 28
I guess it's fall. Magic Hat rolls out their Autumn 09 stout. It has a great deep dark creamy head. The color is near black with maybe a hint of mahogany color. The aroma is big with sweet malt, chocolate, and black coffee. It's got a great flavor. Lots of creamy malt upfront, a hint of ripe fruit, which quickly moves to bitter hops, dark chocolate, and black coffee. The exhale definitely has some plums and apricots. The flavor clings to the tongue for a while. Under it is a good bite of alcohol. Kind of reminds me of an Irish coffee but without the tons of cream.
Really, an excellent stout. A+.
Total: 28
I guess it's fall. Magic Hat rolls out their Autumn 09 stout. It has a great deep dark creamy head. The color is near black with maybe a hint of mahogany color. The aroma is big with sweet malt, chocolate, and black coffee. It's got a great flavor. Lots of creamy malt upfront, a hint of ripe fruit, which quickly moves to bitter hops, dark chocolate, and black coffee. The exhale definitely has some plums and apricots. The flavor clings to the tongue for a while. Under it is a good bite of alcohol. Kind of reminds me of an Irish coffee but without the tons of cream.
Really, an excellent stout. A+.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Victory Helios Ale: 26
Taste: 8 Finish: 8 Visual: 5 Aroma: 5
Total: 26
It has a huge head that clings to the sides of the glass. The color is a cloudy golden. The aroma is of grapefruit, hay, and bread. The flavors really meld and taste "farmy". They don't call this a farmhouse-style Belgian for nothing. Lots of earthy flavors with hay, grass, pine, and autumn spices. Black pepper kicks in mid tongue. Under it and through the finish is grapefruit. It's really a unique combination. I don't think I've had a brew that tasted like this. It could be off putting or delicious depending on your tastes. I like it but I would definitely limit it to an occasional purchase.
Total: 26
It has a huge head that clings to the sides of the glass. The color is a cloudy golden. The aroma is of grapefruit, hay, and bread. The flavors really meld and taste "farmy". They don't call this a farmhouse-style Belgian for nothing. Lots of earthy flavors with hay, grass, pine, and autumn spices. Black pepper kicks in mid tongue. Under it and through the finish is grapefruit. It's really a unique combination. I don't think I've had a brew that tasted like this. It could be off putting or delicious depending on your tastes. I like it but I would definitely limit it to an occasional purchase.
Saranac Helles: 21
Taste: 7 Finish: 7 Visual: 4 Aroma: 3
Total: 21
The color is a good medium golden. The aroma has some malt and honey. It's got a good carbonation level to it giving it a crisp mouth feel. There's a bit of malt sweetness upfront. Under it is some good earth flavors of straw. The hops in the end have a bit of a copper flavor to it. Some lemon left on the tongue. For a Helles, I'd say it's not sweet enough. It's more bitter than sweet. But forgetting that, a pretty good brew.
Total: 21
The color is a good medium golden. The aroma has some malt and honey. It's got a good carbonation level to it giving it a crisp mouth feel. There's a bit of malt sweetness upfront. Under it is some good earth flavors of straw. The hops in the end have a bit of a copper flavor to it. Some lemon left on the tongue. For a Helles, I'd say it's not sweet enough. It's more bitter than sweet. But forgetting that, a pretty good brew.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Saranac Rye Pilsner: 19
Taste: 7 Finish: 7 Visual: 2 Aroma: 3
Total: 19
Visually it's pretty blah. It's a crystal clear, very light amber. The head is full but dissipates quickly. The flavor is much better. Some sweet malt up front. But some spiciness kicks in the middle. Definitely some fall flavors of the rye, hay, and nutmeg. It finishes with a little hop bitterness and lemon. And then it's clean. It's definitely a bolder version of a Pilsner. I kind of like it.
Total: 19
Visually it's pretty blah. It's a crystal clear, very light amber. The head is full but dissipates quickly. The flavor is much better. Some sweet malt up front. But some spiciness kicks in the middle. Definitely some fall flavors of the rye, hay, and nutmeg. It finishes with a little hop bitterness and lemon. And then it's clean. It's definitely a bolder version of a Pilsner. I kind of like it.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Saranac Amber Wheat: 19
Taste: 5 Finish: 6 Visual: 5 Aroma: 3
Total: 19
It's got a great creamy head. The color is equally great. A deep and cloudy amber. The aroma is a bit light but smells of wheat and hay. The flavor is a bit lacking. There's a bit of caramel undertone to it. Definitely can taste the wheat. It's got a medium body. And the finish has a little bit of hops to it. It's a beer you could easily drink a lot of, but not one to really enjoy. It's kind of a jacked up Yuengling. More flavor, more color. But certainly less than special.
Total: 19
It's got a great creamy head. The color is equally great. A deep and cloudy amber. The aroma is a bit light but smells of wheat and hay. The flavor is a bit lacking. There's a bit of caramel undertone to it. Definitely can taste the wheat. It's got a medium body. And the finish has a little bit of hops to it. It's a beer you could easily drink a lot of, but not one to really enjoy. It's kind of a jacked up Yuengling. More flavor, more color. But certainly less than special.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Saranac Pale Pale Ale: 16
Taste: 5 Finish: 5 Visual: 4 Aroma: 2
Total: 16
It has a fizzy head. The color is a good pale amber. The aroma is light, but of hops and malt. I don't get any citrus. Up front it is a bit sweet. Honey and malt. A bit of lemon hits in the middle. In the finish a bit of bitter hops. Nothing notable. And that's kind of how I see this brew. Not bad. But nothing really good either. Kind of like spicing up a macrobrew a bit. For a brew that wants to be the best pale ale you ever had (on the label), it totally misses that mark.
Total: 16
It has a fizzy head. The color is a good pale amber. The aroma is light, but of hops and malt. I don't get any citrus. Up front it is a bit sweet. Honey and malt. A bit of lemon hits in the middle. In the finish a bit of bitter hops. Nothing notable. And that's kind of how I see this brew. Not bad. But nothing really good either. Kind of like spicing up a macrobrew a bit. For a brew that wants to be the best pale ale you ever had (on the label), it totally misses that mark.
Saranac Summer Ale: 19
Taste: 6 Finish: 7 Aroma: 3 Visual: 3
Total: 19
It has a good copper color. Unfortunately it's got coloring added to it. Odd. The aroma is nice of sweet malt and honey. Wow, it's a sweet brew. Honey. Malt. Sugar. Mid tongue the bitterness starts to kick in. A good punch of lemon and orange. And some hop bite. It really helps clean the palate. A good brew for a hot day and a barbecue. I find it to be a bit too sweet up front. But certainly a good choice.
Total: 19
It has a good copper color. Unfortunately it's got coloring added to it. Odd. The aroma is nice of sweet malt and honey. Wow, it's a sweet brew. Honey. Malt. Sugar. Mid tongue the bitterness starts to kick in. A good punch of lemon and orange. And some hop bite. It really helps clean the palate. A good brew for a hot day and a barbecue. I find it to be a bit too sweet up front. But certainly a good choice.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Witches Brew: 22
Taste: 8 Finish: 8 Visual: 3 Aroma: 3
Total: 22
The aroma is muted. Honey and citrus. The flavor is big. It is very sweet with honey, but also lemon cuts through to make it tart. Little to no hop bitterness or bite. And definitely some warming alcohol in the back and aftertaste (9%). Overall, very good. Could use a bit more aroma. And there could be some hops. It's reminiscent of a barley wine. Given the price ($12/750ml), it's a bit pricey and probably not worth the money. Would be a great buy at $8.
Total: 22
The aroma is muted. Honey and citrus. The flavor is big. It is very sweet with honey, but also lemon cuts through to make it tart. Little to no hop bitterness or bite. And definitely some warming alcohol in the back and aftertaste (9%). Overall, very good. Could use a bit more aroma. And there could be some hops. It's reminiscent of a barley wine. Given the price ($12/750ml), it's a bit pricey and probably not worth the money. Would be a great buy at $8.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Stone 13th Anniversary: 28
Taste: 10 Finish: 9 Visual: 5 Aroma: 4
Total: 28
It pours with a great dark creamy head. The color is deep mahogany. The aroma is full of hops and smells sweet. The flavor is very reminiscent of Arrogant Bastard and Ruination. Lots of upfront flavors. Big bitter hops all the way through (90+ IBU). An undertone of caramel. More of an alcohol bite (9.5%). After a few sips the pine starts to come through. And a bit of grapefruit, but that's muted by the huge hops. This thing is bitter and delicious. Even though they brewed it as a red, this thing has double IPA all over it. Fantastic.
Total: 28
It pours with a great dark creamy head. The color is deep mahogany. The aroma is full of hops and smells sweet. The flavor is very reminiscent of Arrogant Bastard and Ruination. Lots of upfront flavors. Big bitter hops all the way through (90+ IBU). An undertone of caramel. More of an alcohol bite (9.5%). After a few sips the pine starts to come through. And a bit of grapefruit, but that's muted by the huge hops. This thing is bitter and delicious. Even though they brewed it as a red, this thing has double IPA all over it. Fantastic.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Ommegang Witte: 25
Taste: 8 Finish: 9 Visual: 4 Aroma: 4
Total: 25
It has a huge and fizzy head. The color is a very light straw and it has a uniform cloudiness. The aroma is of light malt/straw and a bit of banana. I don't get any citrus or bread. It's very sharp on the tongue with its carbonation. Good orange peel and lemon citrus flavors come through in the middle to end. And just a hint of spice at the end. Maybe clove and coriander. It has a great citrus finish that cleans the tongue. A great hot day brew or one just to enjoy lazily.
Total: 25
It has a huge and fizzy head. The color is a very light straw and it has a uniform cloudiness. The aroma is of light malt/straw and a bit of banana. I don't get any citrus or bread. It's very sharp on the tongue with its carbonation. Good orange peel and lemon citrus flavors come through in the middle to end. And just a hint of spice at the end. Maybe clove and coriander. It has a great citrus finish that cleans the tongue. A great hot day brew or one just to enjoy lazily.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Victory Whirlwind Witbier: 20
Taste: 6 Finish: 8 Visual: 3 Aroma: 3
Total: 20
It pours with a big head that dissipates quickly. There is no lacing. Big chunks of yeast are dispersed throughout which is interesting, but I'm more used to a uniform "cloud". The aroma is nice of bread, bananas, and coriander. The flavor is very light. It's easy to just suck it down quickly. There is some nice orange peel and lemon. A bit of coriander but it's muted. It's moderately acidic which really quenches the thirst. And the finish is clean.
It's a good brew but lacking punch. It could really use a slice of orange, which for me says it's missing a bit of flavor. But perfect for a hot day on the deck.
Total: 20
It pours with a big head that dissipates quickly. There is no lacing. Big chunks of yeast are dispersed throughout which is interesting, but I'm more used to a uniform "cloud". The aroma is nice of bread, bananas, and coriander. The flavor is very light. It's easy to just suck it down quickly. There is some nice orange peel and lemon. A bit of coriander but it's muted. It's moderately acidic which really quenches the thirst. And the finish is clean.
It's a good brew but lacking punch. It could really use a slice of orange, which for me says it's missing a bit of flavor. But perfect for a hot day on the deck.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Great Divide Hercules Double IPA: 30
Taste: 10 Finish: 10 Visual: 5 Aroma: 5
It is a great golden amber color. The aroma is full of floral hops and honey. Lots of hops up front but then the alcohol numbs the tongue a bit allowing it to flow over. Honey undertones. Then mid-tongue the hops kick back in through the finish. There's also some citrus as expected.
Really, this is a flawless big IPA. It does not disappoint. One of the best I've had easily on par with 90 minute. Maybe better. I'll have to try them side by side.
It is a great golden amber color. The aroma is full of floral hops and honey. Lots of hops up front but then the alcohol numbs the tongue a bit allowing it to flow over. Honey undertones. Then mid-tongue the hops kick back in through the finish. There's also some citrus as expected.
Really, this is a flawless big IPA. It does not disappoint. One of the best I've had easily on par with 90 minute. Maybe better. I'll have to try them side by side.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Yards Saison: 21
Taste: 7 Finish: 6 Visual: 4 Aroma: 4
Total: 21
The aroma has a good whiff of hops and lemon. The color is good light amber. Upfront it hits more like an IPA. Good bitter hops cut with lemon. Actually, that's how it tastes throughout. If I didn't know better, it would be a very good IPA. But this is a Saison. There's no bread or yeast. No spice. No hay or earth. So, it's a pretty good beer, just not a good saison.
Total: 21
The aroma has a good whiff of hops and lemon. The color is good light amber. Upfront it hits more like an IPA. Good bitter hops cut with lemon. Actually, that's how it tastes throughout. If I didn't know better, it would be a very good IPA. But this is a Saison. There's no bread or yeast. No spice. No hay or earth. So, it's a pretty good beer, just not a good saison.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Weyerbacher Merry Monks: 22
Taste: 7 Finish: 8 Visual: 4 Aroma: 3
Total: 22
A nice golden and cloudy color. The aroma is lacking. The ale is really bright on the tongue. Lots of carbonation. In fact, too much. In the middle is some are some cloves and spice. That leads to orange and honey. The finish leaves of bit of hop bitterness and some tartness. Under it all is warming alcohol. Overall it's very close to a real belgian ale. It could use a bit more citrus and a little less carbonation. But it's very close to a Duvel.
Total: 22
A nice golden and cloudy color. The aroma is lacking. The ale is really bright on the tongue. Lots of carbonation. In fact, too much. In the middle is some are some cloves and spice. That leads to orange and honey. The finish leaves of bit of hop bitterness and some tartness. Under it all is warming alcohol. Overall it's very close to a real belgian ale. It could use a bit more citrus and a little less carbonation. But it's very close to a Duvel.
Weyerbacher Insanity: 28
Taste: 10 Finish: 10 Visual: 4 Aroma: 4
Total: 28
For my first barley wine, I check out Weyerbacher Insanity. In fact, I had no idea it was a barley wine when I bought it. What a great surprise. It's a deep and cloudy mahogany color. It has a very sweet aroma. The flavor up front is very sweet. Lots of honey and brown sugar. Next is raisins and dates. Mid tongue through the finish the oak finishing comes through. Then a lot of warming alcohol (11.1%). A bit of butterscotch is left in the aftertaste. Even with its strength, I wanted to gulp it. A truly fantastic and complex flavor.
Total: 28
For my first barley wine, I check out Weyerbacher Insanity. In fact, I had no idea it was a barley wine when I bought it. What a great surprise. It's a deep and cloudy mahogany color. It has a very sweet aroma. The flavor up front is very sweet. Lots of honey and brown sugar. Next is raisins and dates. Mid tongue through the finish the oak finishing comes through. Then a lot of warming alcohol (11.1%). A bit of butterscotch is left in the aftertaste. Even with its strength, I wanted to gulp it. A truly fantastic and complex flavor.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Pabst Blue Ribbon: 7
Taste: 2 Finish: 2 Visual: 1 Aroma: 1
Total: 7
Oddly, PBR is "hip" right now with the college crowd. It's cool to be so blue collar and drink PBR. But how does it taste? Not horrible. That's about the best I can say. It's very pale in color. The aroma is typical of American macro-brewed beer. The upfront taste is very sweet. Definitely a lot of corn. From there the boiled down hops are evident. If drunk very cold it is acceptable and it certainly quenches a thirst. But other than that, PBR is not worth the effort. If you want an American lager, I say go for Coors which I actually enjoy.
Total: 7
Oddly, PBR is "hip" right now with the college crowd. It's cool to be so blue collar and drink PBR. But how does it taste? Not horrible. That's about the best I can say. It's very pale in color. The aroma is typical of American macro-brewed beer. The upfront taste is very sweet. Definitely a lot of corn. From there the boiled down hops are evident. If drunk very cold it is acceptable and it certainly quenches a thirst. But other than that, PBR is not worth the effort. If you want an American lager, I say go for Coors which I actually enjoy.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Unibroue Blanche de Chambly: 27
Taste: 8 Finish: 9 Visual: 5 Aroma: 5
Total: 27
It pours with a great big fizzy head. The color is a yellowish-white and cloudy from the yeast. The aroma is great with citrus and bread. It's very light up front. A bit of malt sweetness. A nice undertone of honey. Around the edges is the citrus which keeps it crisp. There is also a nice breadiness, like a good white bread out of the oven. And it finishes cleanly with just a hint of honey and lemon. In the back is a bit of coriander.
The interesting thing is that this brew floats over the tongue. It feels as light as air. It makes it insanely drinkable. Everything in it is subtle yet complex. A good beer for a hot day.
Total: 27
It pours with a great big fizzy head. The color is a yellowish-white and cloudy from the yeast. The aroma is great with citrus and bread. It's very light up front. A bit of malt sweetness. A nice undertone of honey. Around the edges is the citrus which keeps it crisp. There is also a nice breadiness, like a good white bread out of the oven. And it finishes cleanly with just a hint of honey and lemon. In the back is a bit of coriander.
The interesting thing is that this brew floats over the tongue. It feels as light as air. It makes it insanely drinkable. Everything in it is subtle yet complex. A good beer for a hot day.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Blue Moon Rising Moon: 19
Taste: 6 Finish: 6 Visual: 4 Aroma: 3
Total: 19
Blue Moon creates an amber ale infused with lime. It has a nice amber color with a full head. There is little aroma. Upfront there is plenty of malt sweetness. Sugary almost. Very close to a sweet red ale. Then the lime kicks in. It's not big but enough to cut the sweetness through the finish. It ends cleanly with very little aftertaste. I never would have pegged this as a wheat beer. I don't get wheat at all. Really, this tastes like a red brew with a bit of lime.
Not bad, but rather safe. Certainly not like the other lime beers out there today. So if you have to have lime, this is your best bet. But I'd like to see something better.
Total: 19
Blue Moon creates an amber ale infused with lime. It has a nice amber color with a full head. There is little aroma. Upfront there is plenty of malt sweetness. Sugary almost. Very close to a sweet red ale. Then the lime kicks in. It's not big but enough to cut the sweetness through the finish. It ends cleanly with very little aftertaste. I never would have pegged this as a wheat beer. I don't get wheat at all. Really, this tastes like a red brew with a bit of lime.
Not bad, but rather safe. Certainly not like the other lime beers out there today. So if you have to have lime, this is your best bet. But I'd like to see something better.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Sam Adams Honey Porter: 23
Taste: 7 Finish: 7 Visual: 5 Aroma: 4
Total: 23
The aroma has a good milk chocolate scent along with a slight undertone of coffee. The flavor is sweet upfront. A bit of honey. But also more milk chocolate and coffee. The finish is a bit dry and yet sweet and still behind that is some hops. Overall it's a very clean brew. It's got just enough flavor to satisfy but light enough not to bloat.
Total: 23
The aroma has a good milk chocolate scent along with a slight undertone of coffee. The flavor is sweet upfront. A bit of honey. But also more milk chocolate and coffee. The finish is a bit dry and yet sweet and still behind that is some hops. Overall it's a very clean brew. It's got just enough flavor to satisfy but light enough not to bloat.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Founders Centennial IPA: 24
Taste: 8 Finish: 8 Visual: 4 Aroma: 4
Total: 24
Centennial IPA has a cloudy and amber color. The aroma is full of grapefruit, hay, and hops. Upfront it has a nice honey and hay flavor. That is quickly overtaken by bitter hops. Under it is a bit of earthy hay and grains and a bit of spice. Under that is some alcohol. The hops and alcohol stays on the tongue for a bit, but it's not too heavy. Overall, this is a medium IPA leaning towards extreme. Good balance of flavors and good complexity. A very solid brew.
Total: 24
Centennial IPA has a cloudy and amber color. The aroma is full of grapefruit, hay, and hops. Upfront it has a nice honey and hay flavor. That is quickly overtaken by bitter hops. Under it is a bit of earthy hay and grains and a bit of spice. Under that is some alcohol. The hops and alcohol stays on the tongue for a bit, but it's not too heavy. Overall, this is a medium IPA leaning towards extreme. Good balance of flavors and good complexity. A very solid brew.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Rebel Yell Bourbon Whiskey: 21
Taste: 8 Finish: 5 Visual: 4 Aroma: 4
Total: 21
Rebel Yell delivers what you expect and yet surprises. The aroma has a bit of butterscotch and grains. And also a big whiff of alcohol. Up front it has a very nice buttery flavor and mouthfeel. It just rolls over the tongue. It also has some spice and hay. But mostly butter. In the back the Yell kicks in. It's a very bold whiskey with lots of alcohol and burn. Even cutting it with a splash of water or ice can't stop the Yell. I can take it, but it's a bit much. So definitely check it out if you want flavor and kick. A good choice.
Total: 21
Rebel Yell delivers what you expect and yet surprises. The aroma has a bit of butterscotch and grains. And also a big whiff of alcohol. Up front it has a very nice buttery flavor and mouthfeel. It just rolls over the tongue. It also has some spice and hay. But mostly butter. In the back the Yell kicks in. It's a very bold whiskey with lots of alcohol and burn. Even cutting it with a splash of water or ice can't stop the Yell. I can take it, but it's a bit much. So definitely check it out if you want flavor and kick. A good choice.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Lagunitas Hop Stoopid Ale: 23
Taste: 7 Finish: 8 Visual: 3 Aroma: 5
Total: 23
Hop Stoopid clocks in at 102 IBU. This should put it in contention with Arrogant Bastard and a few other excessively hopped brews.
The color is kind of bland. A very plain amber color. But it does have a large head. The aroma is great. Tons of grapefruit and orange. It's perfect.
Wow it's smooth. Yes there is a good hit of bitterness upfront. It's lightly carbonated which helps take some of the bite off of it. The hops make way for some nice grapefruit underneath. And unlike Arrogant Bastard, the finish is very clean.
Overall a nice brew but it's not as complex as I'd like. And I don't taste the 102 IBU. It's much mellower than that.
Total: 23
Hop Stoopid clocks in at 102 IBU. This should put it in contention with Arrogant Bastard and a few other excessively hopped brews.
The color is kind of bland. A very plain amber color. But it does have a large head. The aroma is great. Tons of grapefruit and orange. It's perfect.
Wow it's smooth. Yes there is a good hit of bitterness upfront. It's lightly carbonated which helps take some of the bite off of it. The hops make way for some nice grapefruit underneath. And unlike Arrogant Bastard, the finish is very clean.
Overall a nice brew but it's not as complex as I'd like. And I don't taste the 102 IBU. It's much mellower than that.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Victory Wild Devil: 26
Taste: 8 Finish: 9 Visual: 5 Aroma: 4
Total: 26
Victory takes their Hop Devil brew and changes the type of yeast to Brettanomyces.
It pours with a large head. The color is a perfect amber. The aroma is full of sweet toasted malt. There's a lot of toasted malt and smokey flavor. Some earthy spice and pine. Nutmeg. In the end is a good balance of hops. As it warms a bit the finish has some dark cherry to it. The bottle says citrus but I don't get any.
This is an excellent brew with complex flavor and layers. Another worthy addition to the Victory line.
Total: 26
Victory takes their Hop Devil brew and changes the type of yeast to Brettanomyces.
It pours with a large head. The color is a perfect amber. The aroma is full of sweet toasted malt. There's a lot of toasted malt and smokey flavor. Some earthy spice and pine. Nutmeg. In the end is a good balance of hops. As it warms a bit the finish has some dark cherry to it. The bottle says citrus but I don't get any.
This is an excellent brew with complex flavor and layers. Another worthy addition to the Victory line.
Monday, March 23, 2009
John Barr Gold Label Scotch Whisky: 12
Taste: 4 Finish: 2 Visual: 3 Aroma: 3
Total: 12
A lower end scotch (<$20) that lives up to it's bargain price. The aroma is actually pretty good at first whiff. Lots of caramelization, sweetness, and grain. Unfortunately after that is a huge sniff of raw alcohol. The upfront flavor again is nice of sweet caramalized malt. The middle has a mild peat and earthy flavor. Again, any decentness of the taste is overcome by the raw alcohol. The exhale is rough. And a lingering rubbing alcohol stays on the breath for a while.
If you ice it down and let it water down a bit, it's certainly drinkable. But it's not good.
Total: 12
A lower end scotch (<$20) that lives up to it's bargain price. The aroma is actually pretty good at first whiff. Lots of caramelization, sweetness, and grain. Unfortunately after that is a huge sniff of raw alcohol. The upfront flavor again is nice of sweet caramalized malt. The middle has a mild peat and earthy flavor. Again, any decentness of the taste is overcome by the raw alcohol. The exhale is rough. And a lingering rubbing alcohol stays on the breath for a while.
If you ice it down and let it water down a bit, it's certainly drinkable. But it's not good.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Great Divide Fresh Hop: 27
Taste: 9 Finish: 9 Visual: 5 Aroma: 4
Total: 27
It has a great foamy head that lasts. The color is a perfect amber. The aroma has plenty of hops and grains and a hint of citrus. The flavor is all hops. But it's not overpowering. Towards the back and in the finish is a bit of grapefruit. And around the edges is some sweet malt. Really a great balance between them all. None overpower. The hops are strong but not brash. It's not an overhopped double IPA. This is as great drinking beer. I thoroughly enjoy it.
Total: 27
It has a great foamy head that lasts. The color is a perfect amber. The aroma has plenty of hops and grains and a hint of citrus. The flavor is all hops. But it's not overpowering. Towards the back and in the finish is a bit of grapefruit. And around the edges is some sweet malt. Really a great balance between them all. None overpower. The hops are strong but not brash. It's not an overhopped double IPA. This is as great drinking beer. I thoroughly enjoy it.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Farmington River Blonde Ale: 21
Taste: 8 Finish: 7 Visual: 4 Aroma: 2
Total: 21
It has a good golden, slightly amber color. The head is full and creamy. But there is very little aroma. Upfront there is a bit of sweetness. That is quickly overtaken by a moderate amount of bitterness. Under it is a slight bit of orange juice. At the back some grapefruit comes in. It finishes cleanly with some bitter hops left on the tongue. It has a great balance between sweet and bitter.
Total: 21
It has a good golden, slightly amber color. The head is full and creamy. But there is very little aroma. Upfront there is a bit of sweetness. That is quickly overtaken by a moderate amount of bitterness. Under it is a slight bit of orange juice. At the back some grapefruit comes in. It finishes cleanly with some bitter hops left on the tongue. It has a great balance between sweet and bitter.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Blowing Rock Bock: 17
Taste: 5 Finish: 5 Visual: 4 Aroma: 3
Total: 17
This is overall disappointing. It has a very light aroma of caramelized malt. Visually it's rather nice. Deep amber color and a full head. On taste, it's way too sweet. Lots of sugar and honey. Behind it is a very faint flavor of ripe fruit. In the end is a touch of hops. But throughout it all is cloying sweetness. It's just too much.
Total: 17
This is overall disappointing. It has a very light aroma of caramelized malt. Visually it's rather nice. Deep amber color and a full head. On taste, it's way too sweet. Lots of sugar and honey. Behind it is a very faint flavor of ripe fruit. In the end is a touch of hops. But throughout it all is cloying sweetness. It's just too much.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Blowing Rock Ale: 21
Taste: 6 Finish: 7 Visual: 3 Aroma: 5
Total: 21
The color is a bit light but it has a decent head. The carbonation is also light. It has a great aroma. Lots of sweet malt, floral notes, and honey. The aroma and the taste go hand in hand. It's a little too sweet, but still good. I also get a slight undertone of cloves. The finish is very clean and light. A good ale that could use a bit of hops in the end to even out the sweetness. But a good choice.
Total: 21
The color is a bit light but it has a decent head. The carbonation is also light. It has a great aroma. Lots of sweet malt, floral notes, and honey. The aroma and the taste go hand in hand. It's a little too sweet, but still good. I also get a slight undertone of cloves. The finish is very clean and light. A good ale that could use a bit of hops in the end to even out the sweetness. But a good choice.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Evan Williams Premium Whisky: 12
Taste: 3 Finish: 3 Visual: 3 Aroma: 3
Total: 12
For an extra $1 a bottle, you can get the premium version of Evan Williams sour mash whisky. Now, their regular whisky is barely drinkable.There's no mention of what makes it premium. I assume it means some or all of the whisky has been aged a bit more. Maybe an extra year or two. But they leave you guessing. So, does the extra dollar make a difference?
It has a light caramel color. It clings to the glass decently. The aroma is first of alcohol, but under it is a bit of the toasted grain and a hint of sweetness. On the first sip, there is plenty of raw alcohol. But I wouldn't call it harsh. Certainly not smooth either. Really I don't get much flavor beyond the alcohol. Sure, there is a bit of grain and overall "whisky" flavor. But no caramel. No butter. No floral. Nothing. But most surprisingly, it's a bit better than Evan Williams regular.
Total: 12
For an extra $1 a bottle, you can get the premium version of Evan Williams sour mash whisky. Now, their regular whisky is barely drinkable.There's no mention of what makes it premium. I assume it means some or all of the whisky has been aged a bit more. Maybe an extra year or two. But they leave you guessing. So, does the extra dollar make a difference?
It has a light caramel color. It clings to the glass decently. The aroma is first of alcohol, but under it is a bit of the toasted grain and a hint of sweetness. On the first sip, there is plenty of raw alcohol. But I wouldn't call it harsh. Certainly not smooth either. Really I don't get much flavor beyond the alcohol. Sure, there is a bit of grain and overall "whisky" flavor. But no caramel. No butter. No floral. Nothing. But most surprisingly, it's a bit better than Evan Williams regular.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Stegmaier Porter: 21
Taste: 6 Finish: 8 Visual: 4 Aroma: 3
Total: 21
It's a deep dark brown with a small creamy and chocolaty head. It has a very light chocolate malt aroma to it. Up front there is a bit of sweet malt with a touch of chocolate. The carbonation is light and gives it a nice mouth feel. At the back is a hint of roasted coffee. Everything about this brew is mild. But it is smooth. You could drink this like water. And there lies the dilemma. It's got a the right flavors for a porter. They're just muted. But it's also a very accessible brew. So, is it great? Or not quite living up to it's potential?
Total: 21
It's a deep dark brown with a small creamy and chocolaty head. It has a very light chocolate malt aroma to it. Up front there is a bit of sweet malt with a touch of chocolate. The carbonation is light and gives it a nice mouth feel. At the back is a hint of roasted coffee. Everything about this brew is mild. But it is smooth. You could drink this like water. And there lies the dilemma. It's got a the right flavors for a porter. They're just muted. But it's also a very accessible brew. So, is it great? Or not quite living up to it's potential?
Friday, February 6, 2009
Cottonwood Low Down Brown Ale: 19
Taste: 5 Finish: 5 Visual: 4 Aroma: 5
Total: 19
I just find this to be a very odd ale. It looks great with a deep brown color and creamy head. The aroma is fantastic with sweet malt, ripe red fruit, and hints of chocolate. The first sip hits with a lot of sweet malt. Chocolate starts to kick in the middle. And then, out of nowhere, sweet ripened fruit blooms in the mouth at the end. Plums and red grapes mostly. On the breath is a hint of chocolate and roasted grains. I'm just not expecting so much fruit in a brown ale. It's not bad. It's just too odd to recommend.
Total: 19
I just find this to be a very odd ale. It looks great with a deep brown color and creamy head. The aroma is fantastic with sweet malt, ripe red fruit, and hints of chocolate. The first sip hits with a lot of sweet malt. Chocolate starts to kick in the middle. And then, out of nowhere, sweet ripened fruit blooms in the mouth at the end. Plums and red grapes mostly. On the breath is a hint of chocolate and roasted grains. I'm just not expecting so much fruit in a brown ale. It's not bad. It's just too odd to recommend.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Carolina Blonde: 18
Taste: 6 Finish: 6 Visual: 3 Aroma: 3
Total: 18
It has a very thin head and a good golden color. The aroma is very clean with just a bit of malt. The first sip is very sweet. The sweetness is from the start to the finish. I'd say corn except their site says it's pure barley. Also a bit of honey. The hops at the end are almost unnoticable. This is a very clean and drinkable brew. What really separates this from a macrobrew pilsner is that the finish and aftertaste are so smooth and clean. A good choice for the game and surely a brew most would drink without offense.
Total: 18
It has a very thin head and a good golden color. The aroma is very clean with just a bit of malt. The first sip is very sweet. The sweetness is from the start to the finish. I'd say corn except their site says it's pure barley. Also a bit of honey. The hops at the end are almost unnoticable. This is a very clean and drinkable brew. What really separates this from a macrobrew pilsner is that the finish and aftertaste are so smooth and clean. A good choice for the game and surely a brew most would drink without offense.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Pennsylvania Brewing - Penn Gold: 22
Taste: 7 Finish: 7 Visual: 4 Aroma: 4
Total: 22
I has a very pale yellow color which is slightly cloudy. It has a large head. The aroma is very clean with a hint of bread and sweet malt. It starts with a nice biting carbonation. There is a lot of malt sweetness in it. Oddly, I'd say corn although I know they don't use corn in their brewing. I also get a bit of lemon and slight bread. The finish is clean with a little hops but definitely lots of sweetness. Very light and drinkable.
Total: 22
I has a very pale yellow color which is slightly cloudy. It has a large head. The aroma is very clean with a hint of bread and sweet malt. It starts with a nice biting carbonation. There is a lot of malt sweetness in it. Oddly, I'd say corn although I know they don't use corn in their brewing. I also get a bit of lemon and slight bread. The finish is clean with a little hops but definitely lots of sweetness. Very light and drinkable.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Pennsylvania Brewing - Penn Weizen: 24
Taste: 8 Finish: 8 Visual: 4 Aroma: 4
Total: 24
Penn Brewing focuses on brewing quality German-style beers. Their Weizen hits a solid triple. Visually it's a bit disappointing. It's just kind of blah. But the smell is spot on with a nice balance of yeast, bread, clove, and lemon. The first sip bites hard with a crisp bitterness. Lemon quickly emerges and then transitions into the hearty bread flavor at the back of the throat. Throughout is clove. The exhale has that nice wheat undertone. Lemon and yeast linger on the tongue.
The Weizen is definitely great. But it's just missing a bit of something to make it perfect.
Total: 24
Penn Brewing focuses on brewing quality German-style beers. Their Weizen hits a solid triple. Visually it's a bit disappointing. It's just kind of blah. But the smell is spot on with a nice balance of yeast, bread, clove, and lemon. The first sip bites hard with a crisp bitterness. Lemon quickly emerges and then transitions into the hearty bread flavor at the back of the throat. Throughout is clove. The exhale has that nice wheat undertone. Lemon and yeast linger on the tongue.
The Weizen is definitely great. But it's just missing a bit of something to make it perfect.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Mercury Brewing - Stone Cat ESB: 15
Taste: 5 Finish: 4 Visual: 4 Aroma: 2
Total: 15
It has a good deep amber color although it's a bit cloudy. It has a nice head. There is barely any aroma. Just a whiff of generic malt. It's a bit sweet up front. The bitterness perks up in the back but not too much. It's a bit weak for an ESB. And the bitterness has a metallic to taste to it. That "copper penny" taste builds over every sip.
Definitely not a great ESB. But not terrible either. Even though they're not an ESB, but I would reach for a Harp or Bass over this any day. They have the same type of taste but are much better.
Total: 15
It has a good deep amber color although it's a bit cloudy. It has a nice head. There is barely any aroma. Just a whiff of generic malt. It's a bit sweet up front. The bitterness perks up in the back but not too much. It's a bit weak for an ESB. And the bitterness has a metallic to taste to it. That "copper penny" taste builds over every sip.
Definitely not a great ESB. But not terrible either. Even though they're not an ESB, but I would reach for a Harp or Bass over this any day. They have the same type of taste but are much better.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Mercury Brewing - Stone Cat Blonde Ale: 20
Taste: 6 Finish: 6 Visual: 4 Aroma: 4
Total: 20
It's got a great cloudy orange color to it with a thin head. The aroma is of bread and citrus. The flavor is very crisp and clean. It has a nice undertone of orange peel. It has good bready mouth feel. And on the tongue is a bit of bitter hops, but just a little to help clear the palate. This is a very drinkable brew that would be great for a hot day hanging outside.
Total: 20
It's got a great cloudy orange color to it with a thin head. The aroma is of bread and citrus. The flavor is very crisp and clean. It has a nice undertone of orange peel. It has good bready mouth feel. And on the tongue is a bit of bitter hops, but just a little to help clear the palate. This is a very drinkable brew that would be great for a hot day hanging outside.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Chimay Blue: 27
Taste: 10 Finish: 9 Visual: 3 Aroma: 5
Total: 27
Chimay pours with a fizzy head. The color is a deep cloudy brown. The aroma is great. Lots of sweet malt, plums, and raisins. The taste is equally delicious. Fruit sweetness upfront. Definitely more plums and raisins. A bit of port (which apparently improves with age). It then blooms at the back of the throat with warming alcohol (9%).
Out of the three Chimay types, this is definitely my favorite. A world class dark ale from the monks in Belgian.
Total: 27
Chimay pours with a fizzy head. The color is a deep cloudy brown. The aroma is great. Lots of sweet malt, plums, and raisins. The taste is equally delicious. Fruit sweetness upfront. Definitely more plums and raisins. A bit of port (which apparently improves with age). It then blooms at the back of the throat with warming alcohol (9%).
Out of the three Chimay types, this is definitely my favorite. A world class dark ale from the monks in Belgian.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Chimay Red: 18
Taste: 6 Finish: 6 Visual: 3 Aroma: 4
Total: 18
It is very cloudy and has a dark brown and red hue. The head is small. There is a ripe fruit and honey aroma to it. On the first sip I notice it is way too carbonated in my mouth. But under the foam is deeply ripened plums and cherries. It also as a bit of an earthy quality to it. It finishes a bit sweet and has an unexpected exhale of chocolate.
A pretty good brew except for the over-carbonation. It definitely masks some of the flavors.
Total: 18
It is very cloudy and has a dark brown and red hue. The head is small. There is a ripe fruit and honey aroma to it. On the first sip I notice it is way too carbonated in my mouth. But under the foam is deeply ripened plums and cherries. It also as a bit of an earthy quality to it. It finishes a bit sweet and has an unexpected exhale of chocolate.
A pretty good brew except for the over-carbonation. It definitely masks some of the flavors.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Chimay Triple (White) Ale: 24
Taste: 8 Finish: 8 Visual: 4 Aroma: 4
Total: 24
Chimay is born from monks. It's still brewed at the abbey and then bottled world wide. Given they've been doing this for over 150 years, I expect a top notch ale.
It pours with a large but brittle head. The color is a cloudy golden touching on amber. It has a bready aroma with a touch of citrus.
There is a strong upfront flavor. I don't detect any malt sweetness. It's really that bitter yet oh so good hops up front, in the middle, and at the end. It's not overpowering. There is more bread and yeast. It also has a touch of coriander. In the finish is a hit of alcohol. Overall it is very crisp and refreshing. The finish is clean leaving a bit of hops and spice on the tongue.
A very good and drinkable brew.
Total: 24
Chimay is born from monks. It's still brewed at the abbey and then bottled world wide. Given they've been doing this for over 150 years, I expect a top notch ale.
It pours with a large but brittle head. The color is a cloudy golden touching on amber. It has a bready aroma with a touch of citrus.
There is a strong upfront flavor. I don't detect any malt sweetness. It's really that bitter yet oh so good hops up front, in the middle, and at the end. It's not overpowering. There is more bread and yeast. It also has a touch of coriander. In the finish is a hit of alcohol. Overall it is very crisp and refreshing. The finish is clean leaving a bit of hops and spice on the tongue.
A very good and drinkable brew.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Goose Island - Pere Jacques: 24
Taste: 8 Finish: 8 Visual: 4 Aroma: 4
Total: 24
A limited brewing beer by Goose Island. It pours with a minimal head. The color is a cloudy red/brown. It has a light but very nice sweet aroma. The initial sip has a great moderate taste of malt and caramel and brown sugar. Slightly roasted hops kick at the middle of the tongue. The sweet and the mildly bitter hops meld back together in the finish. There is a nice caramel left on the tongue. Under the flavor is the numbing sensation of the high alcohol content (9%) which makes even more smooth and silky.
Total: 24
A limited brewing beer by Goose Island. It pours with a minimal head. The color is a cloudy red/brown. It has a light but very nice sweet aroma. The initial sip has a great moderate taste of malt and caramel and brown sugar. Slightly roasted hops kick at the middle of the tongue. The sweet and the mildly bitter hops meld back together in the finish. There is a nice caramel left on the tongue. Under the flavor is the numbing sensation of the high alcohol content (9%) which makes even more smooth and silky.
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