Saturday, August 8, 2009

Victory Whirlwind Witbier: 20

Taste: 6 Finish: 8 Visual: 3 Aroma: 3
Total: 20

It pours with a big head that dissipates quickly. There is no lacing. Big chunks of yeast are dispersed throughout which is interesting, but I'm more used to a uniform "cloud". The aroma is nice of bread, bananas, and coriander. The flavor is very light. It's easy to just suck it down quickly. There is some nice orange peel and lemon. A bit of coriander but it's muted. It's moderately acidic which really quenches the thirst. And the finish is clean.

It's a good brew but lacking punch. It could really use a slice of orange, which for me says it's missing a bit of flavor. But perfect for a hot day on the deck.

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