Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Dogfish Head 120 Minute IPA: 28

Taste: 10 Finish: 10 Visual: 5 Aroma: 3
Total: 28

You can go two different ways with this brew. The first is, "Wow, this is waaaay too much alcohol," and never get past that. It is 12% after all. And, if that's all you see and taste, you'll hate this beer. But...

On a second sip and kind of looking at it differently, the flavors bloom in my mouth. Ripe fruit like plums, grapes, and apricots appear. It feels smooth and silky. The color is a remarkably perfect copper color. The finish has a nice hop kick without being overpowering. The flavor lays on the tongue for a while. The only mark against it is that the aroma is nice but could have been much more.

Near perfection, as long as you can get over the alcohol. Really, it blends into an incredible mouth feel.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Ommegang Rare Vos: 20

Taste:7 Finish: 7 Visual: 3 Aroma: 3
Total: 20

It has a nice fresh aroma of bread, yeast, and citrus. The head is thick and foamy. The color is a cloudy amber.

It has a very bright start. A bit of tartness and sizzle. It mellows in the middle with a bit of breadiness. Under it all remains some lemon. In the end it finishes smoothly leaving a trail of mild hoppy bitterness on the tongue. And the aftertaste is a bit of spice, maybe corriander. It's hard to identify the flavor.

The flavors are mellow and kind of blend together. I kind of wanted a more distinct lemon or perhaps more identifiable spices. But, Ommegang delivers a solid brew worth trying.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Victory Saison: 29

Taste: 10 Finish: 10 Visual: 5 Aroma: 4
Total: 29

Victory comes out with their seasonal bottle conditioned Saison. I can't wait.

It has a moderate head that dissipates quickly. It has a very nice amber bordering on orange color. Given it's bottle conditioned and cloudy it practically glows. The aroma is of crisp hops and citrus.

Mmm. Sweet on the front from malt and honey. Some earthy tones come in the middle such as cloves, spice, and hay. Some tartness creeps in at the back of the tongue with a hint of lemon. It finishes with yeast and bread. A bit of oil lingers in the mouth along with some yeast, honey, and lemon.

Victory dials up a highly complex Saison that does not disappoint. It certainly is the best Saison I've had. If there are better ones, I'd love to try them. Otherwise, this is perfect.

Great Divide Titan IPA: 27

Taste: 9 Finish: 9 Visual: 5 Aroma: 4
Total: 27

It has a good aroma of floral hops. Visually it has a very nice copper color with a moderate head.

It bites the tongue at the tip. The hops then swell in force at the mid. Grapefruit definitely punches through with a bit of bitter lemon peel. In the back on the exhale are more hops. It sticks to the tongue nicely. Strong but not overpowering. Bitter but it doesn't make you grimace. There is no alcohol taste to it given it's moderate strength at 6.8%.

For a very strongly hopped IPA, there are only a few that do it better. Fantastic. If Sam Adams has a bit too much flavor for you, then this will probably kill you. But if you suck them down like Coors Light, then try Titan IPA and savor it.