Monday, May 30, 2011

The Bruery Saison de Lente: 23

Taste: 7 Finish: 7 Visual: 5 Aroma: 4
Total: 23

A huge creamy head. It literally looks like whipped cream floating. The color is a medium golden/amber. Very cloudy. The aroma has vanilla, some citrus, banana, and bread. The flavor is very light, but it basically tastes like it smells. The huge head takes out much of the carbonation which makes it smooth and doesn't have a bit of bite that I want. I'll pour more slowly next time. The finish is also light but a bit of bitter hops lingers, as well as the yeast and citrus. And a hint of alcohol (6.5%). A very good brew for the warming weather. Drink the first one quickly to cool off. Drink the rest moderately and enjoy the flavor.

Fuller's London Pride: 9

Taste: 3 Finish: 2 Visual: 2 Aroma: 2
Total: 9

I was expecting something much better. True, it's a session beer so it shouldn't hit you over the head. But this is a beer that has the makings of a better brew. It tastes like they took a decent pale ale and then cut it with Bud. So under it there is a quick tease of flavor, and then it goes away never to return.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Pete's Wicked Ale: 14

Taste: 4 Finish: 4 Visual: 3 Aroma: 3
Total: 14

Way back in the day I remember this is one kickin' ale. 10 years of great craft beers have not been kind to Pete. This ale is way too sweet. Yes, it's a red that should have a good malt taste. But it's out of balance for today's market. No wonder it hardly has any shelf space anymore. They need to up the hops to help balance it all out. Otherwise it's a shade better than Killians.