Saturday, July 14, 2007

Cooper's Lager: 11

Taste: 3 Finish: 2 Visual: 4 Aroma: 2
Total: 11

Since Foster's struck out with it's lager, let's see what the Australians really drink. It's Cooper's Lager. And unlike Foster's, Cooper's is brewed in Australia. Time to see if Aussies have any good taste.

It pours great with a nice full creamy head. Color is golden. It has absolutely no aroma whatsoever.

It has a slight bitter bite to it up front. A bit of hops at the end. No discernible flavor in the middle. A slight off-bitter flavor lingers. Again with a general "boiled down" flavor.

It perhaps has a bit more flavor than Foster's. It looks slightly better. And instead of having an off aroma, has none. So, Cooper's edges out Foster's. But it still isn't good.

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