Friday, July 13, 2007

Yuengling Lager: 15

Taste: 4 Finish: 4 Visual: 5 Aroma: 2
Total: 15

Yuengling is Pennsylvania's answer to mass produced beer. It is the oldest brewery in the USA dating back to 1829. The oldest in America (North and South) is Molson from 1786. It prides itself as a quality beer above and beyond the norm of Bud and Coors. In the Philly area, and I'm sure elsewhere, it is simply known at bars as "lager". Order two lagers and you get two Yuenglings. Several years ago, Yuengling tried to go national. After a few missteps, they have decided to stay regional. Let's see if they made the right decision.

Yuengling has a beautiful copper color. It has a very nice head. It has always been an excellent looking beer. Given the color, the aroma is disappointing. It has a faint hop and malt aroma. It looks appetizing. It smells bland.

It has a nice moderate malt up front. It's a bit too fizzy on the tongue. In fact, there is a moderate carbonation flavor throughout. Like when you get a fountain soda that has too much CO2 in it. There is a minor "flavor" in the middle with no distinguishable taste. It finishes quickly in the end with little to no hops. Luckily it has no soapy flavor which many brews have in this class.

Yuengling Lager is definitely more flavorful than the typical mass-brewed beer on the market. But, it's not much of an upgrade. It looks much better than it tastes. It's good enough to compete with Bud and Coors, but not enough of a difference to beat them.

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