Taste: 4 Finish: 4 Visual: 2 Aroma: 2
Total: 12
Well, first, I bought this and just saw it is several months past its best by date. So, we'll assume that the flavors should be a bit more pronounced and the finish a bit smoother if I bought it, oh, back in March.
Second, who can resist trying Merlin's Ale? I don't think he drank much but then again, maybe beer is where he drew his mystical powers from. I often feel magical after many beers. Hmm.
It has a mild malt aroma. A bit sweet. The color is a very bland "golden" and it's cloudy.
It's very sweet. Well, sweet for a beer. Very mild up front. A bit of honey in the back followed by mild bitterness. The bitterness sits on the tongue for a little bit. Not too long. This is a Scottish beer so it does have a bit of that earthiness and, well, scotch-like flavor at the end.
Even if I drank this 4 months ago, I don't think this would be a very good beer. I really question why it's even made. It's not horrible but seriously, who would buy this for the taste? Call it Scotties Ale and it would sell 4 pints. Call it Merlin and maybe an idiot like me will buy a bottle.
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