Saturday, September 1, 2007

Stone Arrogant Bastard Ale: 28

Taste: 9 Finish: 10 Visual: 5 Aroma: 4
Total: 28

I think the title says it all. And, if you read the label, they are just taunting you saying this beer is way too much for you. Put it down, wimp!

It pours with a large creamy head. The color is very, very dark amber. The aroma itself has a spiced tang to it.

Wow, this beer is smoooth. The back and finish does have a nice, almost creamy hoppy bitterness. There is an undertone of spice. There is a nice malt flavor in the front. And throughout I get that smooth creaminess. I'm just amazed that the beer has a lot of flavor and yet is so smooth. Can I say smooth again?

This is probably one of the best beers that you can drink multiple of. Most craft beers are extremely high in alcohol (this is only 7.2%), and have such strong flavors that you really only want maybe two. Not so with Stone Arrogant Bastard Ale. This you can drink all night. Fantastic.

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