Monday, March 24, 2008

Leffe Blonde: 22

Taste: 8 Finish: 6 Visual: 3 Aroma: 5
Total: 22

Thanks, Reg, for introducing me to this blonde ale.

It has a wonderful aroma of yeast and bread. A touch of lemon. It's a deep golden with a moderate creamy head. But unlike most belgians, it is not bottle conditioned so it clear instead of cloudy. For this style that's not a good thing.

The flavor is very similar to the aroma. Lots of yeast and bread up until the finish. In the mid the lemon starts to enter along with some floral notes. The finish kicks up the tartness and a bit of hop bitterness. And throughout it all is the malt sweetness. It has a very thick mouth feel. In the exhale is a bit of alcohol.

A very solid brew. Not the best. And a few points off for being filtered instead of bottle conditioned. But it's got all the right components. Perhaps the alcohol finish could be cleaned up a bit. More lemon and tartness would be good. Oh, and I drank one with ham and potatoes. It was a great compliment to the dish. It was strong enough to contrast the saltiness of the ham and blended well with the starchy potatoes.

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