Friday, August 3, 2007

Magic Hat Fat Angel: 16

Taste: 6 Finish: 5 Visual: 2 Aroma: 3
Total: 16

The label states it's "a paler shade of ale". But that's not the color. It's a surprisingly cloudy copper color. A medium head that dissipates quickly. The aroma is sweet. Perhaps a bit of fruit. But very mild.

It has a sweet malty start. It is very tangy and jabs the tongue in the middle. At the back is a medium hops and bitterness. It has a strong finish with hops that linger. It definitely holds you, perhaps a bit too long.

I don't dislike Fat Angel. And I'm not a fan either. It's a decent quality beer. But it is truly forgettable in a sea of much better brews.

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