Friday, November 9, 2007

Michelob Amber Bock: 11

Taste: 3 Finish: 3 Visual: 3 Aroma: 2
Total: 11

Calling this a bock is, well a stretch. A better description would be "generic dark American lager". But, I can say it's better than I expected. That should be to hard since I expected it to be horrible.

The color was a medium amber. Good head. Basically no aroma to speak of.

It's a bit sweet up front. Definitely some from the roasted malt but I get a bit more than just that. I can't put my finger on it. It's non-descript in the middle. The finish gives a hint of bitterness and finishes dryly. Certainly not chocolate or coffee or creaminess. Again, not even a distant cousin of a bock. They really should just call this Michelob Dark.

It's a pretty easy drinking beer that has a bit of flavor. It's a minor step up from Michelob High Life and the such. If you have to drink beer from a big American conglomerate, this is well above average. Otherwise there is a universe of real beer out there to try.

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