Saturday, June 23, 2007

Stone Ruination IPA: 22

Visual: 3 Aroma: 5 Taste: 7 Finish: 7
Total: 22

Okay, the bottle is awesome. I had to pick it up. a 20 ounce bottle with a stone gargoyle leering at you. And with a name like Ruination, I had to give it a try. This is one of those extremely overhopped IPAs. It registers over 120 IBUs. Their slogan is "A liquid poem to the glory of the hop!" Let's see.

First, is an amber/brown color which is a bit cloudy. It has a huge hoppy aroma.

There is a hint of sweetness at first. Maybe a slight honey in the middle. Then a very nice dry finish. Hops. A very nice hop aftertaste. It's strong but not overpowering. Also, no hint of medicine that I'm finding in extremely hopped beers. This has a very nice blend. The hops linger nicely without wearing you down. I'm very pleased with this beer. But given last week's vastly superior Sly Fox Rt 113, I can't truly recommend it.

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