Friday, July 20, 2007

Samuel Adams Boston Ale: 21

Taste: 6 Finish: 7 Visual: 5 Aroma: 3
Total: 21

Returning to Boston to perform a mission. Review all Sam Adam's brews over the next several weeks. Let's see if their Boston Ale is the benchmark of quality like their Lager is.

It's a perfect amber color with a thick creamy head. It has a medium malty aroma with a hint of citrus.

It has a very nice sweet and malty front. It's creamy in the middle. It coats the tongue. It has a medium hop bitterness at the end. It has a nice dry exhale. The flavor lingers for a while but in a good way.

I would consider this a pale ale. Given that it's a bit too malty and not enough hops. In fact, it is very similar to their Lager except the ale is creamy. Purely as a beer this is pretty good stuff. Very drinkable. But, as a Pale Ale I take a point off.

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