Friday, July 27, 2007

Victory Hop Devil IPA: 27

Taste: 9 Finish: 9 Visual: 5 Aroma: 4
Total: 27

Victory Brewing Co. is a very well respected microbrewery in the Philadelphia area. Their beers have won many awards and featured in many national articles. I've sampled a few through the years. So, let's see how their IPA rates.

It's a beautiful copper color. The head is thick, creamy, and a nice off white. The aroma is full of hops.

The front has a medium sweetness with malt and caramel. The mid is about the same. The brew has a nice semi-creaminess to it. It has a slight oily coating to the tongue. It washes into a nice bitter hops. Not too strong. It lightly lingers on the tongue for a good while.

This is a very balanced brew. Nice sweetness up front and a good hop finish. But it doesn't overpower. It's not too strong in flavor. Alcohol is 6.7% so it is powerful. This is a brew that you can enjoy over a long evening or one or two with a hearty meal. I am very impressed with this brew.

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